The flu vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine. It’s offered every year on the NHS to help protect people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu. The criteria for a free NHS vaccination are listed below. If you’re not eligible for the NHS jab, don’t worry. We’re giving all colleagues a free flu vaccine voucher that can be used at any Boots pharmacy that offers the service. You just need to speak with your HR and then book your vaccination online.

The flu vaccine is given free on the NHS to people who:
are 50 and over (including those who’ll be 50 by 31 March 2022)
have certain health conditions
are pregnant
are in long-stay residential care
receive a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick
live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis)
frontline health or social care workers
Flu vaccination is important because, more people are likely to get flu this winter as fewer people will have built up natural immunity to it during the COVID-19 pandemic if you get flu and COVID-19 at the same time, research shows you’re more likely to be seriously ill getting vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 will provide protection for you and those around you for both these serious illnesses. If you’ve had COVID-19, it’s safe to have the flu vaccine. It will still be effective at helping to prevent flu.